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Official Site of Grundy Center, Iowa's history
The Grundy Center Historical Society is a group of volunteers who are passionate about telling stories of people and places in Grundy Center.
“We tell stories.” That Is our purpose and mission. Whether you’ve just moved here or are 95 years old, you’ve got at least one story – or perhaps a bumper crop of them – to tell about you and Grundy Center.
We want to harvest and share these stories in our virtual museum. Our goal is to gather one story from every family who has ever called Grundy Center their hometown.


The Grundy Center Historical Society is bringing Grundy Center history alive- presenting it for the heart, mind and senses- to its community and beyond.
You can ring Herbert Quick’s country school bell from the 1870s and sit at a real country school desk. You can see a Grundy boy’s bat from when he played for the New York Yankees organization in the 1960s.
Stimulate your imagination by viewing artwork created by Bruce Gordon’s students throughout their lifetimes. Feel the emotion of veterans telling of their experiences in military service. Test your skills by taking a country school spelling, penmanship, or history test. Taste
and smell a new food by trying an old recipe passed through the generations of a Grundy Center family.


The Grundy Center Historical Society is creating a legacy for the future of Grundy Center based on its rich history and past.
Our passion is not only knowing and preserving the history of the Grundy Center community but also connecting it to our future. We emphasize enriching experiences that inspire local youths to discover their distinct heritage and to sustain a lifetime engagement with their hometown.

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